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Illinois' leading 'pro-family' leader doubles down on 'ex-gay' advocacy
David Smith is the head of the Illinois Family Institute, the organization leading the charge to stop civil marriage equality in the state. But as I've shown you several times already, David's agenda goes far beyond the ring finger
David has been using Linda Jernigan, someone with a penchant for saying gays are possessed by Satan, as his ace in the hole. Linda has popped up at other events designed to rally resistance to the marriage bill, and IFI has announced Linda as being part of the organization's lobbying efforts. David, who himself is an outspoken advocate for the idea that gays can and should "change" (while also invoking Satan), seems to believe that this is the way to defeat our civil rights.
And don't you dare think this is happening in isolation, either. The National Organization For Marriage and the Illinois Catholic Conference are both promoting the Illinois Family Institute's lobbying efforts. The IFI is not some fringe organization; the IFI is the big statewide policy group that is working in tandem with the national organizations.
They are saying they want to "change" LGBT Illinoisans into something other than what they are. Personally, I choose to believe that they mean it.
*SEE ALSO: This TLN report that David mentions will air all over the state this weekend.
So again, this stuff *MATTERS*. Hundreds of thousands of viewers across Illinois will potentially see David and "ex-gay" Linda telling the public that proud gay people like me should not only be legally single but should also be "prayed away." That's not mere political advocacy.