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Matt Barber: Gay activists 'use' gay kids as 'pawns'

by Jeremy Hooper

The ever-measured Matt Barber, star Liberty Counsel attorney and Liberty University course instructor, has penned a particularly reprehensible "open letter" to gay teens of the world. A snip:

God’s word also says that when we sin sexually, it’s particularly egregious because our bodies are the temple of Christ. This separation from God – a natural result of sexual sin – can lead to depression and even despair.

If you feel such despair, know this: it is not “homophobia” causing it, as adult enablers might tell you, but, rather, it is the sin itself that causes it (or struggling alone, absent Christ, with the temptation to sin).

You are being used. Adult homosexual activists with a political agenda are using you as a pawn to achieve selfish goals in a dangerous political game.

You’re just a means to an end.

They may have convinced themselves otherwise, but they don’t care about you. They don’t love you. They can’t. Their version of “love” is built on lies. It’s devoid of truth.

Love without truth is hate.

If you continue down this wide, empty path, make no mistake: it will not “get better.”

It gets much, much worse.

Not sure which I find more eye-opening, Matt's obsession or his negligence. I do, however, know which is more dangerous.

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