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NOM is now a joke. Seriously, a joke. Like we should all laugh at them. Because they're a joke.
In 2012, the National Organization For Marriage launched an ad called "Compromise." The whole thing claimed that civil unions were a "common sense compromise" in New Hampshire. Flashback:
But get this. NOM is now trying to stop civil unions in Colorado. And now? Well, look what the ever-disingenuous NOM has to say about civil unions
It is jaw-dropping, this hypocrisy. This is not a different NOM than the one that gave its campaign in favor of New Hampshire civil unions the "Compromise" title. Brian Brown is still president. Key advisers and staffers are all still in place. This is the very same NOM that pretended to be okay with "compromise," but they are now admitting that they were fibbing all along (something I knew and called out then).
What's changed? Well, it's obvious: the NOMmers think they have a possibility of beating back civil unions in Colorado, a possibility they did not have in New Hampshire. Because that's how NOM determines its virtue: not by genuine principle but rather by political achievability. That is one of the (multitude of) reasons people find this organization so shockingly cynical and downright dirty. Here we have an organization claiming the "morality" mantle on issues of marriage, family, and religion, yet the people in charge can't even pick a position and stick with it. One year, in one state, they talk about respecting us and wanting us to have this basic level of rights, so long as we don't "attack marriage." But then, twelve months later, they're all like, "Screw your relationship rights; maybe you can build a moat with a dragon to protect your family?"
Although NOM is right on one thing: we can't compromise with the organized forces who discriminate against us. Not anymore and probably not ever again. They have more than proven that they want the inch, the mile, and just about anything else we have, too. They have more than shown that any witness they bear is highly likely to turn out false.