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NOM lifts pro-gay blogger's personal travel photo

by Jeremy Hooper

David Simmer II has written eloquently about his support for full LGBT equality:

The simple answer [why I support LGBT equality] is because I am a human, and believe that nobody should be treated differently because of how they're born. Whether it be because a person has blue eyes… or freckles… or is tall… or is short… or is gay… or whatever. That's how they were made, that's how they are, and that's how they're going to be. To punish somebody or treat them as a lesser person because of who they are is discriminatory cruelty and not very human at all.
Henry [Blogography]

He's pointedly come out against groups like NOM:

TWO DUDES OR TWO GALS GETTING MARRIED DOESN'T AFFECT YOU. And if you think it does, then that's your problem. The rest of us well-adjusted straight people will be standing over here not giving a shit about your insecurities. And I guarantee you that the people who have been waiting all their lives for the right to celebrate their love in marriage aren't giving a crap either…Some people fall in love with someone that has the same genitals they do. Get over it.
Marriage [Blogography]

So something tells me that David wouldn't be all that fond of NOM lifting and repurposing a photo...

Screen Shot 2013-02-19 At 12.10.49 Pm

…that he took on a recent trek through Spokane:

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Travelogue [Blogography]

This isn't a newsworthy photo of a public person, which would qualify as fair use. This is not vital to the story. This is a pro-gay person's travel photo, which an anti-gay organization just up and lifted for illustrative purposes that have nothing to do with the story.

You don't get to just take whatever the heck you want, NOM! That goes for personal blog photos. That goes for marriage rights.

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