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NOM pushing nasty meme pitting fatherlessness against gay people's marriage

by Jeremy Hooper

A new graphic that NOM is pushing around Facebook:

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Actually, in my same-sex marriage, fathers are hyper-relevant! In fact, the court that just certified Andrew and me as having a qualified adoptive home put a premium on our two-parent bond. They quite liked our loving, committed, safe, and comfortable home filled with two humans who have made a commitment to each other and to the care of new life. Imagine that.

When President Obama uttered those words, he was referring to the very specific problems of dads who played a role in creating a family only to abdicate responsibility. That is an issue—one that we should solve. Same goes for when mothers step out on families that they should support. In an ideal climate, we could all agree on this. In a less politicized world, we could hope that all human beings would take responsibility for whatever family form they, by virtue of their own choices, created.

But in the aggressive world that NOM is forcing on us all? Gays are the scapegoats. Our families come at an expense. A penis and a vagina are innately better than a doubled set (regardless of any other qualities attached to the genitalia). Homes like mine are on par (or worse than) ones where a father walks out on his children. And of course our President cannot make a strong statement about dads taking responsibility without a special interest group using it as some sort of bully club against civil rights.

It's politicking at its most cynical. It's what Americans hate about the whole game. It's NOM.

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