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NOM's Roback Morse: 'Ex-gay" testimony 'knocked my socks off'

by Jeremy Hooper

At last night's Illinois House Executive Committee hearing, the National Organization For Marriage's Jennifer Roback Morse had a front row seat to hear Linda Jernigan, the professional "ex-gay" with a penchant for saying truly nasty things about LGBT people and our "cause" for being, testify about how God "changed" her:


So what did the highly compensated employee of an organization that pretends its cause is solely about marriage (rather than personal animus) have to say about this testimony? Well, according to her public Facebook posting, Linda's tales of being "saved" by God truly "knocked [her] socks off":

Screen Shot 2013-02-27 At 9.09.16 Am

This isn't a huge surprise to those of us who follow Roback Morse. Of all of NOM's top personalities, Ms. Roback Morse is the one who is most willing to admit that she wants gay people to "change" (or be celibate). Hers is, after all, an organization that recently issued a call for supporters to pray for gay people's "conversions."

That said, it probably would still come as a surprise to those fence-sitters in the movable middle who believe that the marriage debate and its top surrogates are looking at this whole debate on a civil, constitutional, practical level. This "ex-gay" stuff might remove only Ms. Roback Morse's socks. However, if they go down this obviously animus-driven road, it's the larger "protect marriage" emperor who will be shown to have no clothes.

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