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NY state senator Rubén Díaz bussing crowds to NOM's #marchformarriage
When Rev. Senator Rubén Díaz tried (and failed) to stop marriage equality in New York, he headed up a coalition that bussed people in from all over the area in order to create the illusion of a local crowd supportive of the National Organization for Marriage. Now Díaz is using those same "skills" for NOM's upcoming march in Washington:
(computer translation is far from perfect; I know)
You should know by Monday March 25 at 12:00 midnight we leave in a vigil in bus heading to Washington, D.C. to be Tuesday at 8:00 am in front of the Supreme Court of the nation.
You should know that we will have buses available, completely free for all those who want to go to Washington. You, your church, community organizations and individual groups can participate.
If you want to and can complete a bus of 50 people we can provide is it completely free in front of his Church u organization or site that you believe to be most suitable for you. Those in Brooklyn, can call the Rev. Nicolas distress call (718) 541-4234 or Rev. Hector Crespo at (347) 831-2441. In Queens, call the Rev. Andy Torres at (917) 204-3222. Others may call the sister Silvia Berroa to (718) 924-7318.
Buses will be available in the place that you indicate at 12:00 am Monday, March 25, with the purpose of being in Washington, DC no later than 8:00 am on Tuesday, and will return to New York Tuesday.
(h/t: Blabbeando)
There's nothing "wrong" with this, per se. He has every right to get crowds to the Supreme Court and make their religious opposition to civil rights fully known. One must have goals.
It's just sad to me. So much time, so many energy, and so many resources. If there was this much enthusiasm about an actual issue plaguing D.C., we citizens might actually come together and accomplish something.
*REMINDER: When Díaz assembles a crowd, lips have a way of getting loose: Pastor at Ruben Diaz/NOM Anti-Gay-Marriage Rally: ‘Those Who Practice Such Things Are Worthy of Death’ [NY Mag]