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UPDATE: Marilyn Musgrave denies NYT report; says she hasn't changed marriage position

by Jeremy Hooper

Turns out I was right to be shocked:

“I’m very befuddled by this story,” Musgrave told FOX31 Denver. “There’s absolutely no truth to that [New York Times report]. I’m reading it thinking, ‘what in the world?’
“I wasn’t even aware of it. I have not changed my position. I’m trying to imagine where anyone would get that information and I can’t figure it out.”
Marilyn Musgrave denies NYT report that she supports gay marriage [KDVR]

Okay, now I'm REALLY confused. The New York Times would not report something like this without substantial backing. What the hell is going on?!


*UPDATE: The NYT offers this explanation: "An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that former Representative Marilyn Musgrave, Republican of Colorado, had signed on to the brief. The brief was signed by her district director, for himself."

Um, that's a pretty big mistake. If this is really what happened and there is nothing more to the story, this two line correction seems pretty weak. This story EXPLODED.

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