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Video: Fox News invites Tony Perkins to another context-negligent lovefest
Tony Perkins has called the It Gets Better project "disgusting," claiming that pro-equality/anti-bullying effort tells children "that it's okay to be immoral" and constitutes a "concerted effort to persuade kids that homosexuality is okay and actually to recruit them into that lifestyle." He has also called that project a "deceptive lie.
Tony Perkins has claimed that "people know intuitively that [homosexuality] is morally wrong," said his own kids could never be gay because he is "teaching them the right ways that they are to interact as human beings," and claimed that gay young people “have a higher propensity to depression or suicide because…homosexuals may recognize intuitively that their same-sex attractions are abnormal.”
Much more, with links, can be found in Tony's Commentator Accountability Project profile.
But for some reason, Fox News still thinks Tony should be put on air to discuss LGBT subjects as if he is but a mere conservative pundit. This aired yesterday:
It's not activism to address or even challenge a pundit on the basis of his or her own record. It's journalism.