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Are You Tougher than Discrimination? #toughScout

by Jeremy Hooper

Tonight the National Geographic Channel will air the first episode of "Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout?" This despite the policies of discrimination that Boy Scouts of America continue to embrace:

Truth time: Inequality is not tough. It's not cool. It's not telegenic. It's not good. It's not valuable. The decision to look at our natural world and make the pointed choice to exclude a portion of it is, in fact, a weak choice. The Boy Scouts will never—not then, not now, not ever—be at its toughest so long as it works to weaken our human unity.

I, of course, know this. You,, of course know this. But how can you help make this point to others? Well, it's 2013, so you'll make your point with social media, natch. Some options:

--Twitter: Use the #ToughScout hashtag and tell @NatGeoChannel what it means to be a tough Scout. Suggestion: "Dear @NatGeoChannel: A #ToughScout supports an end to the ban on gay scouts and leaders! glaad.org/toughscout." Or make your own (firm but fair) point:

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--If you use Instagram, it's the same deal. Take a photo and tag it with the #ToughScout hashtag.

For other ways you can help, check out GLAAD's "Tough Scout"microsite.

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Scouting for toughness while glomming on to undeniable weakness is like collecting a thousand merit badges for a tattered, threadbare sash. The achievements won't stick to a non-supportive fabric.

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