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Audio: FRC's Sprigg will work with gay Republicans (*who hide their 'conduct'); says gays are to 'go and sin no more'

by Jeremy Hooper

This is the Senior Policy Fellow of one of the orgs that is co-sponsoring next week's pro-discrimination march outside of the Supreme Court. Here he is making it clear that gays and our "conduct" are two different things:

And here he is coming right out and saying that we should not engage in our "conduct" at all:

[Point of View radio—3/21/13]

It's not just about marriage. It never is. I will never stop reminding you of this (no matter how frequently CNN continues to book people like Sprigg as mere voices of conservatism or The New York Times continues to run negligent fluff pieces about the people behind events like the marriage march).


***Oh, and about that whole "no hostility" thing from the first clip? This is the same Peter Sprigg who has said he supports both "exporting" and criminalizing us:

*SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports]


This is what is marching against us next week.

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