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Audio: Tony Perkins has no hate for you or your 'destructive lifestyle'
Tony Perkins, possessor of one of the most hostile quote banks in all of the anti-LGBT punditry class, has no anger against gays. He tells us this immediately before he again claims that gay people have "destructive lifestyles":
[SOURCE: Perkins Live, 3/19/13]
Well sure, Tony, you probably don't hold second-by-second anger against LGBT people. Why would you? We're not the ones working day in and day out in hopes of denying you tangible rights, nor are we the ones telling anyone who will listen that you are some sort of wrecking ball who is going to destroy the world via your love. It's easy to remain blissful when your fight is as profitable and optional as yours is!
Me? I'd give anything to never again listen to one of your radio shows, read one of your press releases, write one more word about your career, or give mother thought to whether or not your words are comical, enraging, or somewhere in between. Your obvious antipathy for my sexual orientation and marriage, whether it is displayed via a clinched fist or a polished smile, prevents us from going our separate ways.