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POLL: American Catholics (that don't work for NOM) support freedom to marry
The Catholic leadership continues to promote the National Organization For Marriage's agenda. Meanwhile…
March 8, 2013 - American Catholics Support Same-Sex Marriage, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Catholics Want New Direction From Next Pope
American voter support for same-sex marriage is inching up and now stands at 47 - 43 percent, including 54 - 38 percent among Catholic voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.
FULL: March 8, 2013 - American Catholics Support Same-Sex Marriage, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Catholics Want New Direction From Next Pope [Quinnipiac]
Oh, and there's also an 8% "don't know/didn't respond" factor. Do we really think those Catholics, with so much messaging telling them to oppose us, are going to grow more discriminatory the more they get to know us? I don't.
This church has placed a bet that is misfocusing its present and threatening its future. Seems counterproductive.