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Report: Modern-day Peggy Olsons know LGBT people buy things
Here's a really great AP report about the powerful inclusivity we're now seeing in American advertisements:
SNIP: "They're no longer just targeting gay and lesbian people. They're targeting people like my mom, who want to know that a company embraces and accepts their gay and lesbian family members, friends and neighbors," said Rich Ferraro, a spokesman for the media watchdog group the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).
FULL PIECE: Ads out of closet, into mainstream with gay themes [AP via Yahoo!]
If you think about your past, particularly during childhood, and all the images, phrases, and jingles that remain wormed into your brain, it's likely that many of these lingering bits came from advertising. Sure, that's changing somewhat in this fragmented media world of ours. But still, commercials have a certain undeniable power attached to them, even in the world of DVRs. Hell, our nation's Super Bowl ad fetish alone should convince you that.
If an increasing number of retailers want to use this power for social good? I'll buy that!