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Video: NOM's latest offends gay soldiers, inclusive chaplains, actual victims, countless others

by Jeremy Hooper

I'm sure whoever put the audio track under this video in support of discrimination thought he or she was making the thing sound valiant and noble. Instead, it makes it look even more like a parody than its already incongruous messaging would have otherwise:

Ron Crews and Jerry Boykin are both professional activists on this issue, the latter working for the Family Research Council and the former heading up something called the Chaplains Alliance for Religious Liberty. Both men are nakedly anti-gay, with Boykin admitting that he doesn't think homosexuality is normal and Crews determined to slight gay soldiers in any way imaginable. Neither are "victims," obviously. But NOM is so damn desperate to find traction that they are now hopping in bed with anti—inclusive service activists who would re-debate this, a settled matter of basic fairness that the American public very much supports, if they had their anti-LGBT-driven druthers.

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