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Which parent doesn't this stock photo need?

by Jeremy Hooper

The National Organization For Marriage's Rhode Island chapter is trying to jump into the whole shareable social media graphics craze, running what they apparently think is a visually impactful statement:


She might need the mom and dad that she's know. Others might need their two moms. Others might need their two dads. Others are doing just fine, thank you very much, with the single parent that is kicking life's butt. Others still would benefit from their parent's separating from their painfully argumentative marriage. It's not that the committee "had no answer," as NOM so ominously suggests. The problem is that NOM wants us all to give into their myopic takes on family structures, so anyone who fails to subscribe to their reductive arguments is portrayed as a hostile enemy of the family. It is so exceedingly offensive—and not just to LGBT people but to anyone who understands a world whose complexities run deeper than a political special interest group's carefully workshopped talking points.

Oh, and as for this particular girl on the stairs? Well, I don't know her level of familial contentment. However, if I happen to make it to Germany, where Berlin-based photographer Michelle Princigali shot this wholesome stock photo of a "young girl sitting on steps and daydreaming"…

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…then I will be sure to ask the young model in the photograph

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