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Anti-LGBT agenda is FRC's cash cow; media should milk it
Yesterday on GLAAD blog, I made note of the Family Research Council's extreme and pronounced stand against homosexuality, and I made the case for the media noting the harsh resistance whenever and wherever an FRC staffer appears. Today, a related component of the overall conversation.
What follows is the donation page on FRC's newly polished website. Check out the major focus:
Of the six "hottest issues" that FRC lists as reason for potential supporters to part with their cash, four are fully about LGBT rights and one (religious liberty) is tangentially related. Here on the page where a supporter-funded nonprofit has a heightened need to state its most compelling case, FRC staffers could have listed anything. What they chose to prioritize: LGBT rights and the denial thereof.
This is yet another reason why the mainstream media must—must, must, must, must, MUST—prioritize FRC's anti-LGBT crusade anytime this organization takes to one of its various forms of public engagement. The truth is that FRC self-defines, first and foremost, as an organization that is built to oppose the gains of the organized LGBT rights movement. That's not Jeremy Hooper saying that; FRC itself says it, loudly and often.
Opposing equal rights for LGBT Americans is this D.C. special interest group's cause célèbre. The next time Tony Perkins appears on MSNBC, his introduction and overall line of questioning should reflect both the obsession and the outrageousness that defines this anti-LGBT organization.