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Audio: The truth is that honest conservatives were disappointed by 'March for Marriage' numbers

by Jeremy Hooper

Walking back from NOM's recent marriage march, I overheard one of the top guys at one our fifty state's "pro-family" groups admitting what any honest conservative would have to admit: that the attendance figure for this kind of national event was very disappointing (from the pro-discrimination perspective). Here's that exchange:

CONSERVATIVE 1: "Good for a Monday."

OTHERS IN GROUP: "Tuesday. It's Tuesday" [crosstalk]

CONSERVATIVE 1: "Are you disappointed, just that there weren't more?"

CONSERVATIVE HEAD OF STATE GROUP: "Yeah, I was. But it's a weekday and it's holy week. I think if it were done on a weekend we would have got a lot more."

Just one opinion, of course. But it's not an opinion any movement leader would've seen a need to express if NOM had actually turned out anything close to the number of attendees that they claim to have rallied.

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