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Audio: Tony Perkins suggests gays try suicide because 'they can't fill that God vacuum,' are 'in rebellion to God's design'

by Jeremy Hooper

The man who still appears on mainstream television programs with alarming frequency continues to prove why he is more than just a buttoned up, conservative, marriage-focused pundit:

[SOURCE: Washington Watch w/ Tony Perkins; 4/1/13]

By the way, that whole thing Tony did about listeners on the left "foaming at the mouth"? That's something he does almost every day on his show now. That's because he knows he says politically counterproductive things and that people like me are going to shine a light on them. But rather than just refrain from saying these things, he tries to couch them with this kind of messenger-invalidating chatter. It's as telling as it is silly.

But to be clear: No mouth-foaming here. I welcome these comments, T.P!! I just demand that the media start holding you accountable for these, the words that you yourself put out there.

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