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Duggars, Bachmann to join some of the most anti-gay voices in the nation at Liberty Counsel conference
Reality TV stars Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are two of the listed speakers for the upcoming "Awakening" conference. Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann is another.
But who, exactly, will be joining the U.S. Rep and TLC stars at this Liberty Counsel–produced event? Well, here are just a few of the notable names:
Matt Barber
Bradlee Dean
Harry Jackson
Cindy Jacobs
Judith Reisman
Andrea Lafferty
Janet (Folger) Porter
Greg Quinlan
Rick Scarborough
Mat Staver
Jerry Boykin
In terms of anti-LGBT rhetoric, you do not get any more hostile than the above eleven names (*click links for some of their rhetoric). Individually, they have condemned LGBT people in ways that would shock the everyday American; collectively, they have fostered a playing field that considers the only acceptable form of LGBT person to be a "changed" LGBT person. These are not even unsupportive conservatives; these are proudly brutal voices who are openly opposed to the LGBT human person.
And yet this is what a member of the U.S. House of Representatives considers to be an acceptable speaking gig? And this is the kind of thing the TLC network expects its LGBT viewers to just overlook when we turn on the television in search of some mindless entertainment? We're just supposed to pretend this event is a fair contribution to the national conversation, even though we know that these voices quite literally want to "convert" us?
Not happening.