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ESPN sportscaster says Jason Collins is 'in open rebellion to God,' incapable of being Christian
Twitter is blowing up over this, a segment where ESPN caster Chris Broussard condemns openly gay NBA player Jason Collins. As usual, Think Progress gets up the earliest clip:
ESPN Sportscaster Immediately Trashes First Out NBA Player: Jason Collins Is Not ‘A Christian’ [ThinkProgress]
And in case you didn't realize, Mr. Broussard is actually God's spokesperson. That's actually one of the Lord's mysterious ways: he uses sports pundits to push his condemnations. Sorry about that, Christian Bible Network anchors and reports. Better luck the next time heaven's assignment desk doles out the duties.
But now that this one is out of the way, be sure to keep an eye out for Mr. Broussard's next press hit, where he'll condemn NFLers for playing with a throughly non-kosher ball made of pigskin.