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FRC claims homosexuality exposes boys 'to predatory behavior'; says gays are 'morally aberrant to God'

by Jeremy Hooper

Rob Schwarzwalder is one of the Family Research Council's point men on keeping the Boy Scouts discriminatory. Yesterday on Catholic radio, he admitted that his work is driven by his belief that we gay men are immoral predators who are aberrant to God:

"homosexuality has to do with conduct. It has to do with exposing boys to predatory situations"

"They want full affirmation of a lifestyle that Christians and Jews have always believed is morally aberrant to God…we cannot approve something that we believe is morally wrong.

[SOURCE: Drew Mariani Show]

First the obvious: A predatory situation that is same-sex is not "homosexual conduct." These married straight men who violate children are not gay—they are pedophiles. Stop conflating the two.

Secondly, if Mr. Schwarzwalder wants to go through life think God made millions of LGBT people simply so people like him could have a scapegoat off which to collect a paycheck, then I guess he is free to do that. But if the Boy Scouts want to remain a viable entity within a society that is quickly learning how to accept the fact that gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and heterosexual people are all actually natural parts of our Earth's spectrum of normalcy, then they might want to open up to another view. Tony "I say horrible things about gay people for profit" Perkins might have won Mr. Schwarzwalder's dedicate employment, but he is not winning the future.

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