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He only tried to alter our most precious governing document so that it bans gay citizens. Why talk about it now?

by Jeremy Hooper

He had no problem using our families for political sport. But now, at a time when he absolutely could (and SHOULD!) address his legacy, former president George W. Bush refuses to address marriage equality and his aggressive, multi-year push to ban it on a federal level:

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George W. Bush Refuses To Weigh In On Gay Marriage [HuffPo]

Not going to talk about, President Bush? Fine. So we will. I will. Always and loudly.

You inflicted untold pain onto millions psyches. Not just human psyches but our national psyche as well. You, in order to score political points, took gay people's rights and overall peace of mind and used those for your own cynical, Rovian-driven (and Mehlman-driven—ugh!) gain. At a time when this debate was growing and an able leader could have talked about respect for the millions of LGBT taxpayers who populate this nation, you chose, at this particular "decision point," to foster great division and stinging hostilities. You chose to make life harder for countless many human beings, the struggle longer for a minority civil rights movement, and the nation weaker at a time when we so desperately needed to find a way—some way, any way—to come together and tackle actual problems. That's on you, sweetie.

I literally remember where I was when I saw the Bush press conference calling for the Federal Marriage Amendment. That image and the pain attached to it will likely last until my final day here on earth—it was that indelibly hurtful. Now here, at a time when we are winning despite his considerable attempts to stop us, I will not let the former president shirk responsibly for the truly dark time in American civil rights history that he fostered. This large-looming aspect of his legacy doesn't just deserve mention—it deserves an entire wing in the very presidential library that some folks are now falling over themselves to laud.

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