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Head of org that's vowed to 'drive a wedge between gays and blacks' says it's a 'slur' to compare gay, black fights

by Jeremy Hooper

At first I was annoyed that Meet The Press booked Brian Brown. Then again, if he's going to use his time to make ridiculous quips like the following—while sitting opposite Al Sharpton, no less—then perhaps the booking a blessing in disguise:

NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MARRIAGE PRESIDENT BRIAN BROWN: "Well, I think it's a slur on the Americans, the majority of Americans who stood up to vote for what President Obama a year ago agreed to what Secretary Clinton agreed to two weeks ago that it takes a man and a woman to make a marriage. It's a slur on them to somehow say that opponents of redefining marriage are in the same boat as those who oppose interracial marriage. That is just a slur. It's an assertion. What we are fighting about is, is there a civil right to re redefine marriage? We say, no, are there is mo such civil right. The laws against interracial marriage were about keeping the races apart. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman. It's about bringing the sexes together. That is a good and beautiful thing, and I think it's a slur to say that it's bigotry to stand up for this truth."

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I don't think "slur" means what you think it means, Brian.


In Secret Documents, Anti-Gay Marriage Group Looked To Divide Gays, Blacks [Buzzfeed]
Full document set: BREAKING: Previously Confidential Documents Shed Light on NOM Strategy [NOM Exposed]

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