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NOM's resident gay-against-gay-marriage says marriage equality is like Prohibition; I need a drink

by Jeremy Hooper

Down is up. Left is right. Extending the freedom of civil marriage to same-sex couples is like banning gin.

Thus goes the latest bout of "logic" from the increasingly "HUH?!"-inducing "protect marriage" movement:

Screen Shot 2013-04-15 At 3.37.28 Pm"Just as the Prohibition movement advanced too far, leading to repeal, so too will the same-sex marriage cabal’s efforts be recognized as a tyrannical assault on freedom and a rejection of natural law and reason.

Some may ask, “Prohibition was repealed because it limited the rights of Americans; isn't same sex marriage about expanding—not limiting—our rights?” Absolutely not. Extending the term “marriage” to male/male and female/female couples will have exactly the opposite effect, because it will collapse all differences between marriage and any other close relationship between two people. And if marriage is rendered indistinct from other forms of companionship, we will have destroyed the greatest intermediary structure standing between the individual and the power of the state.

Doug Mainwaring, Tea Party activist self-declared gay-against-gay-marriage

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