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Scott Lively associates swastika with gays who seek nondiscrimination

by Jeremy Hooper

A man who continues to damage his socially conservative movement, Scott Lively, is currently running the following alert regarding the Washington state florist (Arlene's Flowers) that wishes to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. Gay customers are like Nazis, natch:

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It's always—always, every time, in every instance—ill-advised to use a swastika to attack your political opponents. But to do so when talking about a scene in which a minority population was clearly denied a service simply because of who they are? That takes some serious gall! What that way of thinking lacks in political pragmatism it more than makes up for in hubris.

Then again, this comes from the man who, more than anyone, helped foster one of the most frightening worldwide landscapes for LGBT people. With friends like this, Arlene's Flowers surely won't need enemies.

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