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Video: AFA Radio caller says gays are 'filthy, rotten slime'; it's 'time to get mean'

by Jeremy Hooper

The caller, Fred from Mississippi, claims what gay people do is worse than bestiality or "those other molesters," says we are "filthy, rotten slime," and that's it's "time to get mean" against us. But does host Bryan Fischer repudiate his fan? Oh no. He, the American Family Association's most prominent voice of late, laughs, thanks the caller for his thoughts, and then proceeds to separate our "choices" from our beings—and attack us himself:

(*Clip should be cued to right place. If not, start around the 6:30 mark)

Oh, what joys and good will this pro-discrimination movement so reliably engenders. Or, as I could have said another way: "April Fools!"

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