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What IFI's Laurie Higgins engenders: followup emailer calls me 'twice the son of hell'

by Jeremy Hooper

I already showed you how Illinois Family Institute's senior staffer, Laurie Higgins, emailed a list of over seventy conservatives saying that I "promote profoundly sinful ideas." Now check this email, which a Higgins supporter proceeded to send to me and the entire list:

(clarifying note: this email came to me as a followup to Laurie's Higgins missive about me. I responded to Laurie's initial message with a simple note that I had seen her message and was thoroughly "charmed" by it, which prompted her fellow social conservative to send the following to me and the entire group.)

Keep talking, folks. I love it. So do my side's public opinion polls.


*Salon identified this emailer as Doug McBurney. Presumably, this was because Higgins prodded them to do so. So okay, yes—it was a man named Doug McBurney, who was part of this conservative email list (and this thread in particular)

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