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AFA spokesman: 'Satan is using' gay Boy Scouts
Gay boys are among the most vulnerable members of our population. Some straight, Christian, conservative adults are determined to keep it that way:
Some Christians suggest retaining a relationship with the Scouts in order to win homosexuals to Christ, but Randy Sharp, AFA director of special projects, reminds OneNewsNow that Satan is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
And now Satan's not just on the outside of the church, he's on the inside.
"The adults may be wanting to take these kids and reach them for Christ," Sharp explains, "but what's happening is Satan is using these kids to indoctrinate and mislead other small children into a dangerous and unhealthy lifestyle."
"We're not going to allow it inside the door of the church," he continues. "Sure we want to reach the lost child for Christ, but we can't condone the sin and bring it inside the building to do so."
FULL: AFA spokesman: Boy Scout decision lets Satan in the church [AFA's One News Now]
Yup, he totally just claimed that young boys who know themselves to be gay are actually under the control of Satan. Which is why people like me get so unbelievably frustrated this debate with particular opposition movement. How do those of us who want to have adult discussions about the practical matters on the table have any semblance of dialogue with grown ass men who use their platforms to claim the Devil's whispers as his ultimate adversary?
Mr. Sharp is putting truly dangerous misinformation out into the world. I'll push back against his work because I care deeply about the welfare of LGBT children. However, I refuse to dignify his fantasies about a red-caped demon force poking his pitchfork into the behinds of sensitive children. He has every right to subscribe to this belief system, but he has no right to demand it of us. And he has absolutely no right to deny us on the basis of Beelzebub's unseen influence.