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Delaware's leading 'protect marriage' group backs claim that gays are in 'open rebellion to God'
By now, you probably know that ESPN sportscaster Chris Broussard went on TV and said that openly gay NBA player Jason Collins is "in open rebellion to God" simple because he is gay. And while that may be a view that some conservative Christians hold, it's probably not the view that you want to state if you are the leading policy group opposing civil marriage equality in your state and you have a crucial vote coming up in your legislature today. After all, denying personal animus is key to the other side's "protect marriage" strategy.
But supporting Chris Broussard is exactly what the Delaware Family Policy Council is doing. Here on the day that a marriage equality bill is to go to the state's Senate Executive Committee, the DFPC posted this to its public Facebook wall
Bold support for God's plan for marriage? Um, what? Jason Collins has announced no plans to marry. The subject was not marriage. The subject was Mr. Collin's sexual orientation. In total, that was the topic. And when that topic came up, Mr. Broussard said Mr. Collins, by nothing other than being gay, is "in open rebellion to God."
Very silly thing for this organization to support, here on such a prominent day. Though considering this organization's advocacy for "ex-gay" therapy, I'm really not surprised.
*I felt compelled to respond: