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Audio: Heavy-hearted Rep. Harris announces no marriage vote until (at least) November
Rep. Greg Harris delivers the disappointing (read: unacceptable) news: Next up, Rep. Deb Mel: We will win.
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It is proclaimed: Your Pride celebrations can begin
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release May 31, 2013 LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER PRIDE MONTH, 2013 ------- BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION For more than two centuries, our...
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More details about the anti-pride protest outside HRC building; Matt Barber to defend NOM (ha!)
Some of the most aggressively anti-gay speakers in America will gather outside of an LGBT rights office to inadvertently set their own movement back a few paces: WASHINGTON, May 31, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- Several Christian and pro-family organizations, along...
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Video: God hates Frappuccinos
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NOM's Comm. Director doesn't like my Comm.; deletes it
I left a simple comment giving some basic and documented truths about the Illinois Family Institute: [WHERE MY COMMENT ONCE WAS] So much for fair discourse. Guess only straight men like Thomas get to speak about my rights, my marriage,...
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To stop equality in Illinois, NOM relies on old standby: Scary weather
Dark and ominous clouds are coming unless you stop gay taxpayers from basic civil freedoms:
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Anti-gay activists to hold anti-Pride press conference in front of HRC building
One must have plans: It's fitting that Peter would do this outside of HRC. After all, he's spent more time obsessing about LGBT people and our rights than even the dedicated LGBT activists who actually work inside the building. **UPDATE:...
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Illinois' leading anti-equality group: 'Radical homosexuals' keep 'pushing their immorality on us' #il4m #ILove
With only hours left in the legislative session, Illinois' reliably over the top "family policy" group wants to remind you of how anti-gay they are: [IFI] This is of course the same IFI that regularly pushes "ex-gay" therapy for gays,...
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This is that one where Al Mohler equates someone who is gay with someone suffering from cancer
"Liberal churches have redefined compassion to mean that the church changes its message to meet modern demands. They argue that to tell a homosexual he is a sinner is uncompassionate [sic] and intolerant. This is like arguing that a physician...
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More rumormongering from Illinois' anti-equality crowd
I've already shown you how the Illinois Family Institute is pre-gaming a potential loss by spreading rumors about our side buying votes for marriage equality. Then there' NOM's Jennifer Roback Morse, who is already slapping a"Judas" branding on any lawmaker...
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Maine's high court tells NOM to follow the law, stop hiding donors
Since the November election, NOM has had a remarkably bad streak of luck. Here's more: In yet another significant legal setback for the National Organization for Marriage, the Maine Supreme Judicial Court ruled today that NOM must comply with subpoenas...
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Illinois Family Institute pre-spinning potential loss: Lawmakers are being 'bribed' and 'paid off'
With marriage equality quite feasibly passing by week's end, the state's (exceedingly hostile) anti-equality group, IFI, is already laying the groundwork for what will like be the org's post-vote excuses: IFI [Facebook] Doesn't the bible say something about gossiping, too?...
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Is a committed vow of lifetime love the only thing that irks Oregon cake bakers?
You know those Oregon cake bakers who simply cannot fathom using their confectionary skills for customers who will consume the pastries while gay and married? Well Williamette Weekly wanted to know if two of the shops that have been in...
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In Chicago, POTUS' support for equality mimics regional pizza crusts: both run deep
President Obama wants to remind you that he "deeply supports" full equality. Latest comments come from and apply to Illinois: “Here in Illinois, we’ve got a vote on same-sex marriage that’s going to be coming up in the state legislature....
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AFA spokesman: 'Satan is using' gay Boy Scouts
Gay boys are among the most vulnerable members of our population. Some straight, Christian, conservative adults are determined to keep it that way: Some Christians suggest retaining a relationship with the Scouts in order to win homosexuals to Christ, but...
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Congrats, ExxonMobil—you've pleased one of America's most discriminatory organizations
ExxonMobil has once again rejected basic nondiscrimination protections for LGBT employees. This is music to the ears of a man who likes to claim that gay people are "pawns of the enemy": Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the...
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GLAAD: FRC's VP of Church Ministries calls for 'revolution' against us (but 'not yet' an armed one)
FRC's VP of Church Ministries calls for 'revolution' against us (but 'not yet' an armed one) [GLAAD]
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NOM EXPOSED: Now with name-calling: Come to support equality and NOM’s Roback Morse will call you ‘Judas’
Now with name-calling: Come to support equality and NOM’s Roback Morse will call you ‘Judas’[NOM Exposed]
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'When we talk about Regnerus, I completely dismiss the study. It’s over. He has been disgraced.'
In an explosive new interview with the Southern Poverty Law Center, a member of the editorial board of the paper that published the flawed hit piece that is the Regnerus Study pokes more holes in the "research" and the anti-LGBT...
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Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber: Gays 'purchase children'; 'like having little pets or something'
A man so fully known for his daily denigrations of LGBT must keep the incendiary quote bank filled, lest someone else come and take his place in the annals of misguided civil rights history. So that being his burden, Matt...
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NOM owns its real cause: It's personal, not just policy
I couldn't help but notice the first line of this new NOM blast: [NOM] Usually NOM is pretty clear about wanting to defeat a bill rather than a person. But this time? They are coming right out and saying it:...
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NOM EXPOSED: NOM’s Comm. Director pushes prayer calling homosexuality a ‘destructive deception’
NOM’s Comm. Director pushes prayer, action calling homosexuality a ‘destructive deception’[NOM Exposed]
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Video: Anti-equality pastors link discriminatory cause to nobility of MLK, others
Pastors who have spent the past decade or more trying to discriminate against us in civil law are actually the ones striving to "preserve liberty." So claims this latest drip from the well of egregious spin: I don't think there...
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NOM claims new hero: NFLer who doesn't 'believe in' my marriage, as if it's Santa Claus or something
It's always Um, no Mr. Peterson—you're biased against them. If you were biased toward your gay relatives, you'd support their basic civil rights.
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Illinois' chief 'family' group posts meme calling homosexuality 'dishonorable,' 'shameless'
With only four days left in the legislative session, the Illinois Family Institute is ratcheting up the denigration: [IFI's Facebook page] Not a huge surprise, since the Illinois Family Institute is one of most nakedly animus-driven state policy group on...
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Video: Just another one of those totally measured think pieces calling POTUS a closeted gay commie Nazi (who might've had someone murdered)
He may be the cowboy, but in Joe Salvatorio's script, it's the "commie" and "Nazi" President Obama who is secretly hanging out on Brokeback Mountain. Giddyup: You can't get commentary like that on Meet The Press.
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Basically if we show up, Mychal Massie goes home; bye.
When sexual orientation stopped being a reason for kicking a soldier out of the armed forces, conservative columnist Mychal Massie stopped supporting our military: Obviously, we cannot form another military, but we don’t have to volunteer, nor do we have...
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Audio: TX Gov. Rick Perry says 'their maker' will hold Boy Scouts execs in account
Add Texas' Republican Governor to the list of commentators warning Boy Scout officials about their eternal futures: [SOURCE: Washington Watch w/ Tony Perkins; 5/24/13] Is there any debate tactic any weaker than this? I mean, threatening mortals with afterlife retribution—isn't...
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Video: Bryan Fischer repeats claim that Boy Scout Execs would be better off tossed into the sea
Clip is cued: Fortunately, Boy Scouts are usually good swimmers.
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Heritage Foundation's Associate Director accuses me, GLAAD of character assassination
GLAAD's Commentator Accountability Project, which I work on, consists of nothing more than the anti-gay commentators' own documented words. There is no virtually no editorializing; the project is simply a round up of things that these commentators have themselves put...
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Anti-gay kids book author Amber Dee Parker: Gay couples need to break their mortgages and flee 'the Enemy'
Earlier this week, I introduced you to Amber Dee Parker and her anti-gay children's book, which both the American Family Association's Tim Wildmon and the Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg have endorsed. Now to round out the week, let's get...
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Tony Perkins: Gay Boy Scouts run counter to science, nature, human history
Tony Perkins on the Boy Scouts decision: "We do need to reach out in love to everyone. You know, we allow everyone into our church and we want everyone to come into our church. But we're not going to celebrate...
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GLAAD: Red State's Erick Erickson goes full-on anti-gay; gay Boy Scouts must 'repent'
Red State's Erick Erickson goes full-on anti-gay; gay Boy Scouts must 'repent' [GLAAD]
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A new low, even for Bryan Fischer #BoyScouts
Forced drowning is better than simple inclusion, apparently
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NOM EXPOSED: National Org. for [Animus Against Gay Boys]
National Org. for [Animus Against Gay Boys][NOM Exposed]
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No, Maggie Gallagher—we can't agree on that
National Organization For Marriage co-founder Maggie Gallagher asks: "If we can’t agree on anything else, can we at least agree that Jonathan Rauch’s noble dream (it was noble) that gay marriage could be part of strengthening a marriage culture generally...
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Why gay man and activist John Corvino wrote a book with Maggie Gallagher
In the year since the release of the book he co-authored with Maggie Gallagher, Debating Same-Sex Marriage, many of you have wondered why LGBT activist and gay man John Corvino (pic.) chose to link his name and literary gifts to...
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Losing 'On My Honor' coalition says #BoyScouts can no longer use 'timeless values' phrase in good faith
From The On My Honor coalition which, despite coordination from D.C. groups like FRC and Shirley Bannister Public Affairs, was only able to muster 31% support for their discriminatory position: Grapevine, TX – Following the vote today by the Boy...
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Tony Perkins on #BoyScouts vote (hint: he isn't happy)
The Boy Scouts just delivered a whopping defeat to the anti-equality crowd. But for some reason, FRC president Tony Perkins, someone who has been denigrating the current BSA leadership all through this process, still thinks he has the capital to...
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BREAKING: #BoyScouts lift the ban on gay scouts!!!!!!!!
WE WON!!!!!! But here, let him tell you instead: **UPDATE: According to a report I just got, it wasn't even close. 68%–31% are the numbers I'm hearing! (*now confirmed) **Of course there is still the ban on adults, which MUST...
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Why I care so much about the Boy Scouts vote
While LGBT rights fights are uniquely personal for LGBT people for obvious reasons, there is usually some degree of distance between known experience and current debate. With marriage, the fight tends to be prospective. You fight for the right to...
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New Jersey's leading 'family' group posts truly nasty video equating gays with adulterers, alcoholics
Many of you have seen the following video, produced by far-far-far-right anti-gay figure Janet Folger Porter: Well guess who is now promoting and defending this clip? That would be none other than the New Jersey Family Policy Council, the organization...
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A #BoyScouts dialogue with Manhattan Declaration's Exec. Director
I actually kind of like chatting with Manhattan Declaration Executive Director, NOM march speaker, and Sam Brownback son-in-law Eric Teetsel because I find him well mannered, respectful, and open to frank discussion. But he's also wrong:
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Um, actually there *is* a right side of history; obviously
This is just a silly thing to say: "It’s not accurate to say the times have relegated the defense of marriage to the geriatric ward. And there’s no such thing as being on the “right” or “wrong” side of history....
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Who says the Catholic Church is no longer engaged in effective outreach? [US Conference of Catholic Bishops (with link to the Spanish bulletin)] Because why should English be the only language that is bastardized with code words that mask the...
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New ad: One of America's most hostile anti-gay groups asks BSA Delegates to make horrible mistake
The Family Research Council, an organization whose leaders have supported criminal sanctions for gay people, claimed "it's a fact" that homosexuality leads to "eternal damnation," and said gays are "pawns in the hands of their malevolent master" the Devil (to...
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Boy Scouts president cuts through the noise: 'Let in gay boys'
A huge statement just hours before delegates are scheduled to vote: Boy Scouts president: Let in gay boys [USA TODAY]
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Video: GOP Congressman from Oklahoma attacks 'intolerance' of supporting gay boys in khaki
Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK1):
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Equal #BoyScout opponents don't want to hear how anti-gay their allies are
The "On My Honor" coalition is proudly touting the backing of the American Family Association, once of the most legitimately hostile anti-LGBT groups working today. So since it is the day before the big vote, I thought I'd give them...
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Maggie doesn't want us treated cruelly, just as less 'normative' than heterosexuals
"I personally still cherish the hope that we can as a society eliminate cruel homophobia without jettisoning heteronormativity — which is the need for social norms and institutions to be oriented strongly around the problem and the blessing that sex...
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