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New ad: One of America's most hostile anti-gay groups asks BSA Delegates to make horrible mistake

by Jeremy Hooper

The Family Research Council, an organization whose leaders have supported criminal sanctions for gay people, claimed "it's a fact" that homosexuality leads to "eternal damnation," and said gays are "pawns in the hands of their malevolent master" the Devil (to name just a few FRC slights), is running a new ad in this morning's Dallas Morning News telling the Boys Scouts of America why they should support FRC's radical agenda rather than the peaceful inclusion of gay minors:

SPLC-designated "hate group" encourages Boy Scouts to back discrimination

They forgot the #6: They simply don't believe in the concept of well-adjusted LGBT people and don't want us to have rights, opportunities, or basic peace of mind. Let's be clear here: That is the underlying drive that's informing this whole thing.

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