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No, NOM Comm. Director, we answer—you just don't listen. (#StrawmenNOMstaffersThinkAreMoreCompellingThanTheyAre)

by Jeremy Hooper

(1) Reproduction is not a marital requirement. Unless our dedicated opposition movement wants to make it a requirement, they cannot make questions regarding parenthood the key questions that those of us who advocate for civil marriage equality must answer.

(2) Family structures of all kinds exist. Some families with a single parent thrive and some families with a single parent struggle. Some families with a mom and a dad thrive and some families with a mom and a dad struggle. Some families with two moms thrive and some families with two moms struggle. Some families where both parents are deceased and the children are raised by a relative thrive; some families where both parents are deceased and the children are raised by a relative struggle. Some married couples thrive and others fail; some unmarried couples thrive and some others fail. Etcetera, etcetera.

(3) We live in a world where millions of deserving children need good homes. These children would not receive good homes without people who willing to adopt. Gay people adopt. Straight people adopt. Couples adopt. Single people adopt. The children who would have otherwise been deprived are often quite happy about this.

(4) I know many children who are currently being raised by same-sex couples. To these happy and adjusted kids, the suggestion that they do not deserve a relationship with one of their loving and doting parents would be downright offensive. Because it is offensive. Just because they exist in a majority, heterosexuals do not get to deny everyone else of their normalcy.

(5) He doesn't need a comma after "mother."

Those are just some of the answers I supposedly won't give the National Organization For Marriage's Communications Director:

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