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Scout's Dishonor: Gay BSA employee shares pain, hope

by Jeremy Hooper

If found out, his bosses would instantly remove him from his job. That's where we still are with the Boy Scouts of America, and that's where we will remain unless there is a policy change. Gay boys and gay adults are routinely given the boot, making the organization seem like something out of an earlier era of institutionalized fear.

This week in Texas, BSA delegates will vote on whether or not to change the policy, at least as it applies to boys. In the run up to that vote, this aforementioned gay employee (who wishes to renin anonymous) shares his experiences and his hope. GLAAD has the details:

Bsa TemplateJust days before 1,400 members of the Boy Scouts of America National Council converge in Dallas to vote on a resolution critical to equality in Scouting, Time Magazine published an op-ed written by a gay employee of the Boy Scouts, calling for a repeal of the ban on gay Scouts and leaders. The author wished to remain anonymous, but shared a wealth of information on how much the anti-gay ban has damaged the viability and reputation of the Scouts, hurt efforts to recruit more Scouts, and taken its toll on his own well-being.
KEEP READING: Gay Boy Scout employee to Time magazine: I can't live a lie any longer [GLAAD]

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