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Audio: IL Bishop Thomas Paprocki says 'the father of lies' is behind marriage equality
You probably thought that human beings are behind civil marriage equality. Nope. It's the Devil:
[A Closer Look, 6/7/13]
Hear that, all of you who are focusing on things like constitutions, lawmakers, judges, laws, licenses, nondiscrimination policies, and the millions of mortal humans who form loving bonds with members of the same-sex? Unless you instead direct your attention to an unseen demonic force with a vendetta, you are just deceived. Sillyheads.
It remains to be seen if Bishop Paprocki and supporters will be able to get the Devil to show up on the House floor the next time civil marriage comes up for a vote, considering he is the leader of the pro-equality movement and all. But good goddess, I hope they try!