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Chris Christie reminds his blue state that he is in fact a far-right social conservative
He already vetoed a legislative act that would have brought marriage equality to New Jersey, a state that supports marriage equality in all credible polling. Now this:
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie slammed the Supreme Court decision on DOMA as “wrong” and an example of “judicial supremacy.”
“I don’t think the ruling was appropriate,” said Christie, who is running for reelection in a blue state, one in which Democrats have hailed the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage.
FULL: Chris Christie blasts gay-marriage ruling [Politico]
If I were his Democratic challenger, Barbara Buono, I would be hitting this (and hitting it hard) from now until election day.
I have a bit of familiarity with New Jersey and its residents. Not only is the Garden State supportive of marriage, but it is the kind of state where moderates will swing on this very issue. Equality is that sort of thing. Whereas moderates can overlook some points of view and policy positions with which they disagree, a lack of support for their friends and loved ones' basic civil rights is often enough to change a vote. I've seen it happen in my own life—in elections in New Jersey.
Chris Christie is out of touch on marriage, on the proper course of action for achieving it (be it with his own state legislature or our court system), and on the cruciality of justice for his state's considerable LGBT population. It is a major vulnerability for him, and I will gladly play a role in helping driving home the message.