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NOM again meddling in NY politics; blasts conservative party, misspells endorsed candidate's name

by Jeremy Hooper

I live in the heart of New York City. I travel in NY political circles. I can tell you, point blank: No mayoral candidate who opposes marriage equality is going to make it out of either party's primary, much less win election. This city and its residents are decidedly in favor of basic civil fairness. The mayoral candidate at the top of all polling is Democrat Chris Quinn, out and married lesbian.

Enter the National Organization For Marriage. The D.C.-based org. is blasting the state's Conservative Party for supporting equality-backing Republican Joe Lhota; is trying to frame marriage equality as an "extreme" position in a city where the current, three-term, Republican-turned-Independent mayor has supported it for years; and is instead getting behind a candidate who is not even registering in local polling. Oh, and NOM is so enthusiastic about their candidate that they managed to misspell his name (it's Erick):

Question Conservative Party Endorsement of Candidate "Excited" to Perform Gay Marriages

Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage NY PAC, today, endorsed Rev. Eric
[sic] Salgado for Mayor of New York City.

"NOM is proud to endorse a candidate who has the courage to stand up for conservative principles and join us in our support of traditional marriage," NOM President Brian Brown said.

"There are millions of people in New York City who support traditional marriage and deserve to have their voices heard. Rev. Eric
[sic] Salgado is not only that voice, but is a true leader who has a vision for New York that is based on conservative values," Brown continued.

Brown also questioned the Conservative Party's endorsement of candidate Joe Lhota, pointing out that Lhota has not only expressed his support of gay marriage, but stated during a January 17, 2013 interview on NY1's "Road to City Hall" that he "looked forward" to performing gay marriages as mayor.

"Joe Lhota's view on gay marriage is extreme and not in step with conservatism," Brown said. "While I have great personal respect for the leadership of the Conservative Party, we reject the endorsement of Joe Lhota. Eric
[sic]Salgado is the candidate who will work to restore marriage in New York, and we are proud to support him."

National Organization for Marriage NY PAC Endorses Eric [sic] Salgado for NYC Mayor [NOM]

What is the calculation here? The Conservative Party is the only potential support base NOM has in the state, much less the city. Local Republicans are still pissed at NOM for its spiteful campaign that quite literally helped to elect more Democrats in the 2012 election. And now NOM's going after its one ally in a go-nowhere campaign supporting a never-gonna-happen candidate? Bizarre political math.

I'm assuming it's some sort of payback to state senator Ruben Diaz who, like Salgado, is a conservative, anti-gay, NOM-supporting Bronx Democrat. But it sure is silly.

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