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NOM's Roback Morse: Married gay men are like mothers with strings of boyfriends
On this day, as I celebrate my four years of being legally married to the only man I have slept with in ten years (and the only man I will sleep with for the rest of my life), I can't help but find this extra insulting:
Oh please, Jennifer. You refuse to "accept the category of gayness": that is the real problem. You don't even believe gay men like me should be gay, and you don't want others to believe it either. You refuse to accept my marriage because you refuse to accept that people like me exist among you. You have admitted, on multiple occasions, that you want gays to be celibate.
And you know what, Madame Ruth Institute? I don't give a flying flip-flop whether or not you accept me, my husband, our marriage, or our soon-to-grow family. But you will not—you. will. not.—stand in the way of my happiness. That is a promise. Your meddling will not undermine my worth, rights, or happiness.