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Photo: What is NOM's 'Supreme Court Plan'?

by Jeremy Hooper

While lecturing at the recent "It Takes A Family" conference (a project of the National Organization For Marriage's Ruth Institute), NOM's Comm. Director, Thomas Peters, spoke from a Powerpoint reading "The Supreme Court Plan":


This is the only slide I've seen, and the Ruth Institute has yet to post audio or video from Thomas' talk So let's play a game, shall? Let's guess what, exactly, NOM has planned as followup to this month's historic Supreme Court rulings. I'll get us started with some options.

  • OPTION 1: After the Supreme Court hands us a couple of winning moves that directly repudiate NOM's work, the organization finally admits the inevitability attached to the equality movement. They close up the D.C. office and turn it into a

  • OPTION 2: They launch a new offshoot of their "Marriage Defamation Alliance," accusing the U.S. Constitution and the justices who sided with it of "defaming" them.

  • OPTION 3: They more into a purveyor of snack foods, finally making sense of the onomatopoetic "nom, nom, nom" sound attached to their organizational acronym.

  • OPTION 4: NOM wins everything at the Supreme Court. Staffers go on a national tour to collect the tears of this nation's heartbroken citizens who stand in support of equality, which the self-satisfied org. then use to fill the rooftop poll that they have installed on their D.C. headquarters.

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