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Self-described bisexual Robert Oscar Lopez equates gay parents with 'slavers buying children'

by Jeremy Hooper

Gay people are just engaging in propaganda when they say the love their kids. So claims this bit of partisan-driven nastiness from one Robert Oscar Lopez:

Screen Shot 2013-06-10 At 10.29.21 Am "The testimonials from happy children of same-sex couples are obviously handpicked and staged to maximize the value of propaganda, but a gullible populace won't ask what isn't being printed or broadcast. A gullible populace prefers ingesting whatever is printed or broadcast. "Love" is a meaningless mantra, like "nobody is really listening to your phone calls" or "we need drones for national security purposes" out of the mouth of Obama; but in a country where people are swayed by Obama's silky voice, why would people not be swayed by gay couples saying, "we aren't slavers buying children from poor surrogate mums overseas, we love our kids"?

—Robert Oscar Lopez, the California professor who says he was raised by a lesbian mom, who identifies as a bisexual sometimes and more like an "ex-gay" at other times, who seems to have a buddy-buddy relationship with discredited family researcher Mark Regnerus, who has become one of the National Organization For Marriage's favorite spokespeople, and who filed an amicus brief (alongside fellow "gay against gay marriage" Doug Mainwaring) calling on the Supreme Court to deny equality. He writes the above on his personal site (H/t: Straight Grandmother)

You know how the anti-gays are always talking about us "hijacking the civil rights movement"? Well, let's crowd test the messaging about loving gay parents being on par with those who traffick in slaves. Something tells me that a majority of African-Americans would see the flaws (if I'm being generous) in that argument.

Way to honor your mama there, Bobby.

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