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Tony Perkins: Gays less like 'Glee,' more like 'American Horror Story'
Tony Perkins has a few thoughts on the state of LGBT-inclusive television. Basically, in Tony's mind, our on-screen counterparts are just fairy tales running cover for the sick, nasty, Savage LGBT bullies that exist in real life:
Is marriage headed for a Hollywood ending? Hello, I’m Tony Perkins with the Family Research Council in Washington. The debate over same-sex marriage has been perfectly scripted by Hollywood. Television shows are full of lovable gay characters, whose dangerous lifestyle is just another funny footnote. Unfortunately for America, those make-believe people are having a real-life impact. In a new survey, almost 20% of Americans credit television with changing their minds on same-sex marriage. And that’s no accident. Homosexuals make up 4% of the population, but they’re a whopping 30% of TV characters and story lines. Liberals are using this barrage to desensitize America and viewers are buying it. Of course, producers don’t show you the reality of homosexuality: the men and women dying of AIDS, or the same-sex couples threatening Christian businesses. They don’t cast the Dan Savages bullying kids or the parents kicked out of school for opposing gay curriculum. Like most everything else on TV, it’s fiction. And the only way to fight it is knowing your role in speaking truth!
AUDIO: Perkins: 30 Percent of Characters on TV are Gay; Used to Shield 'Dangerous Lifestyle' [Right Wing Watch]
Um, Tony—Dan actually had a TV show. So yeah, they do in fact cast him.
And if we want to talk about fake TV portraits versus reality, then look no further than the way mainstream news tends to treat you, Mr. Perkins. You're often portrayed as the nice, non-threatening, Christian conservative in a suit. Those of us who actually listen to you when the bright light of a CNN camera is not around know the real Tony Perkins.