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And now Maggie Gallagher is defending 'ex-gay' therapy
Framing the organization as designed to merely "help" gay Jews, National Organization For Marriage co-founder Maggie Gallagher is now defending the "ex-gay" group JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing):
Chuck Limandri, my old friend from the Carrie Prejean, Prop 8 fights, is a heckuva a lawyer and one brave man. He’s taking on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s massive legal machine to defend the right of Jewish gay people to seek help.
Chuck Limandri vs. the SPLC [NRO]
Not sure why I'm that surprised. This is, after all, the same Maggie Gallagher who has admitted she considers homosexuality to be "an unfortunate thing," who once referred to homosexuality as “a sexual disability preventing certain individuals from participating in the normal reproductive patterns of the human species,” and who called on the Bush administration to offer more research dollars for the "ex-gay" cause (which she said was "seeking help in overcoming sexual dysfunctions").
I guess I'm just surprised to hear Maggie being so honest about her obvious roots here, now, in 2013 considering how determined she and her allies are to disprove Justice Kennedy's assessment that the "traditional marriage" movement is, in fact, rooted in animus toward LGBT people.
**MORE on Limandri: About Maggie Gallagher’s ‘old friend’ and current colleague, Charles LiMandri [NOM Exposed]