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IL's 'protect marriage' group says gay couples' 'parts don't fit'; is clearly doing it wrong
The Illinois Family Institute continues its penchant for downright nastiness:
For starters, it doesn't even make sense. "Acquit" means to free someone from a criminal charge, so essentially they are saying our parts don't fit and therefore we must be exonerated of the charges against us. Considering the IFI senior staffers' over-the-top rhetoric about gay people, I'm not convinced that's what they mean to say. They seem quite fond of harsh charges.
But beyond that, I think it's laugh out loud hysterical when these anti-LGBT heterosexuals try to tell us that the parts don't fit. For one, this insistence that they know better than us speaks to the arrogance that is ingrained within the "pro-family" movement. But more than even that—they are just plain wrong. The hubby and I can give them a demo, I guess, if that's really what they want.