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Tony Perkins: 'It'd be a lot simpler if we operated on the Ten Commandments' rather than civil law

Popular conservative commentator Tony Perkins knows how to fix our church/state-separated nation. Force everyone to follow the Christian Ten Commandments, saith the Family Research Council president: [SOURCE: Washington Watch w/ Tony Perkins; 7/31/13] Well, Tony, a whole lot of GOP...

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Photo: 'Thousands of ex-gays' (*and more than a few LOLz)

Thousands were expected to show up. This is who did show up: Right Wing Watch has the full report and more photos of what is the perfect portrait of a movement that constantly tells us "thousands exist" even though we...

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NOM lying about where PA voters stand; also, grass still green

Some polling shows a majority: The most recent Franklin & Marshall College poll reinforces those results, showing support for gay marriage among Pennsylvanians to be growing with 54 percent in favor, up from 33 percent in 2006, and 41 percent...

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NOM EXPOSED: NOM Education Fund: 'Same-sex attraction' 'not good and not consistent with God's law'

NOM Education Fund: 'Same-sex attraction' 'not good and not consistent with God's law'[NOM EXPOSED]

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Get ready, MN & RI—far-right gearing up to turn town clerks into martyrs

With civil marriage equality coming to Rhode Island and Minnesota, far-right groups like the Alliance Defending Freedom are giving civil servants the bad advice that they can just step away form their duties whenever certain kinds of couples request that...

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I fully support the soon-to-lose 'protect marriage' movement's right to blow off steam

In a campaign, legislative debate, court hearing, or some other arena where emotional appeals and personally-held faith convictions could quite literally deny me of my ciivl rights, I of course spill much digital ink pushing back against those who are...

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Today in broken mirrors: 'Ex-gay' org that stigmatizes, marginalizes, puts gays at risk claims it's in 'healing' biz

This comes from PFOX, the advocacy organization with the sole focus on promoting the scientifically-discredited lie that gay people can and should change: Coming out of the closet as ex-gay or an ex-gay supporter will affect others because everyone has...

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Video: Social conservative does half-hour report attacking minority group, rights; mistakenly believes he's helping his cause

We're at a weird point in this "culture war." We have the mainstream anti-LGBT movement, stewarded by groups like the National Organization for Marriage and the Family Research Council, that is losing in the political, judicial, and public opinion realms....

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The Christian Broadcast Network wants me to stimulate my prostate; Um...

Posted without comment: Actually I do have a comment: I prefer doing it at night.

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NOM EXPOSED: When times get tough? Eh, just call our President ‘lawless’

When times get tough? Eh, just call our President ‘lawless’[NOM EXPOSED]

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NOM's hilariously ineffective General Mills boycott has been total crock; enter Crocker

If you follow "culture war" politics, you probably know that the National Organization For Marriage has had a boycott going against the General Mills corporation for more than a year now. If you shop in the American marketplace, you probably...

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We get it, new Boy Scout rival—you are incredibly anti-LGBT

The anti-gay challenger to the Boy Scouts, which has been working under the name On My Honor, has released a new document brandishing its "culture war" bona fides. Check out the incentives they give to join their group rather than...

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Stuff Illinois heterosexuals should know: The IFI's agenda isn't going to stop at gays!

As soon as they're done trying to stop us from civil happiness, look for them to turn to stricter laws governing divorce: [Illinois Family Institute ] I mean, on one hand, at least they'd be doing something that would actually...

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Pastor who vowed to punch out pro-gay clergy: I am 'truly sorry'

You remember Matt Brown, the Riverside, California pastor who vowed to "punch out" and "go Old Testament" on people of faith who perform same-sex weddings? Over night, he apologized to me for his "stupid attempt at humor": [@PastorMattBrown] Many will...

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PA protestor claims God called her about marriage; I challenge her to produce that voicemail

Protestors have been demonstrating in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, in opposition to county register Wills D. Bruce Hanes’ decision to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples. This is the gist of the messaging: **Photo source and report: Protestors Pray In Pennsylvania...

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NOM's new meme: 'This is marriage' (*or a gender neutral bathroom sign)

In its latest attempt to get its supporters to do the least they could do—literally, the very least—to stop equality from its obvious inevitability, the National Organization For Marriage is now asking Facebook users to share this simplistic graphic: Could...

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Illinois' top 'protect marriage' guy: I'm fighting 'immoral LGBT lifestyle'

David Smith, the president of what is probably the most extreme of any of the state family policy groups working today (the Southern Poverty Law Center designates his Illinois Family Institute as a hate group), continues admitting that his current...

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'Who am I to judge?' asks Pope; 'We've been asking that for years!' exclaim worldwide gays

What about that Pope, huh? “I have yet to find anyone who has a business card that says he is gay,” the pontiff said at a press conference in which he addressed the reports of a "gay lobby" within the...

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IFI slights single parents, pretends it didn't

The exceedingly anti-gay Illinois Family Institute is now running this reductive pic: [SOURCE] But when a Facebook user rightly called them out on how this image and message also criticizes single parents, the org. was quick to jump in and...

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Audio: Bryan Fischer says anti-gay Christians suffering under new Jim Crow; gays 'are about them living and us dying'

If you hear any ambient noise while listening to this clip, it's likely Rosa Parks rolling over in (the front part of) her grave: SOURCE: Focal Point, 7/26/13 [AFA] **RELATED: Bryan Fischer Talks Ken Cuccinelli, Homosexuality And Oral, Anal Sex...

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NOM thinks it speaks for 'the rest of the world'; adorable

UK Prime Minister David Cameron successfully championed a civil marriage bill, and the conservative leader is now hoping to spread his practical advice and support to other nations. "NOT ON OUR WATCH!" cries an organization that, lately, is doing little...

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Oh look, Catholic Bishops now against our basic nondiscrimination protections too

Somehow I've overlooked the following letter for the past two weeks. In it, Salvatore Cordileone and other bishops who've been so hellbent on using their personal faith beliefs as reason to stop our civil marriage rights prove that their goals...

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Video: Union Co. freeholders call for equality, override of Gov. Christie's veto; 'New Jersey has never put civil rights to referendum'

Last night, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of New Jersey's seventh most populous county unanimously adopted a resolution calling on the state legislature to override Gov. Chris Christies insistent (and unfortunate) veto of the state's marriage equality bill. Here are...

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FRC: Same-sex marriages 'desecrate our military chapels'

From the Family Research Council's latest round of "prayer targets" [FRC] Or maybe it's a typo and they really meant "decorate"? Yeah, let's go with that. On account of it being Friday (and out of concern for my blood pressure),...

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Activist seeks special protection for flux sexuality that science doesn't recognize

"Ex-homosexual" is not an orientation, obviously. However, truth doesn't stop this movement from pushing lawmakers to recognize the self-determined classification as a viable minority: Doug McIntyre heads Acceptance Fellowship Ministries and Homosexuals Anonymous, and he is heading to Washington, D.C....

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GLAAD: Extreme anti-LGBT activists now owning it: They want 'supremacy'

Extreme anti-LGBT activists now owning it: They want 'supremacy' [GLAAD]

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NOM's Jennifer Roback Morse on Edie Windsor: She didn't want to pay for 'her friend's' estate

On August 6, 2012, the Disqus user "posterchild1" left a comment identifying herself as the person who booked ITAF, the annual conference of the National Organization For Marriage's Ruth Institute: [SOURCE] "Posterchild1" also left this comment linking herself to Ruth:...

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NOM EXPOSED: NOM’s Ruth Institute: Marriage equality will ‘treat mothers like slaves, children like chattel’

NOM’s Ruth Institute: Marriage equality will ‘treat mothers like slaves, children like chattel’ [NOM EXPOSED]

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Audio: Rick Santorum, Josh Duggar commiserate on marriage and its 'destruction'

Reality TV star turned FRC Action Exec. Director Josh Duggar filled in for Tony Perkins today, where the mult-siblinged young protégé hosted former Senator and GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum. Rick, as you'd expect, went into a spiel about "the...

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Video: Mat Staver says SCOTUS marriage rulings should be treated like Dred Scott, internment, outlawing of gravity

Dred Scott v. Sanford denied citizenship to African Americans. Korematsu v. United States forced Japanese Americans into internment. Buck v. Bell supported sterilization of those deemed genetically inferior. Anyone v. Gravity is a theoretical case that pits humans against logic...

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Another social conservative admits 'gay marriage is already won'

Ken Ham is the head of Answers In Genesis. Answers in Genesis is the organization behind that big conference that social conservatives are currently enjoying in Dolly Parton's neck of the woods. This comes from Ham's keynote speech at said...

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And now this report from #Prop8 fantasy world...

The headline at the American Family Association's One News Now: [SOURCE] (h/t: Scott Hutcheson) Also, Ronald Reagan is still governor.

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By 'mean comments,' Jen, did you mean the one calling us 'filthy f*ggots'?

As is her wont, the National Organization For Marriage's Jennifer Roback Morse is once again claiming that the mean gays are attacking her and her lovely supporters: [SOURCE] I went over to the post in question, and I have to...

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Stop saying Orson Scott Card simply opposes gay marriage. You are lying. Stop it. Now.

This defense of Orson Scott Card comes from Focus on the Family's CitizenLink division: [SOURCE] "All because of his support for marriage between one man and one woman"? NO! No, no, no, no, no. Not even close: -- Suggests married...

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The problem is that they see this as two-sided fight in which their position has merit

On her eponymous radio show, Janet Mefferd shared this exchange with extremely anti-gay commentator Matt Barber: Janet Mefferd Show, 7/24/13 [Relevant Radio] Okay, so first off—Matt Barber says in a later segment of this very same show that he will...

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Listen to new chair of U.S. Commission on Intl Religious Freedom call for 'national rebellion' against marriage equality

And now here's even more for Robert George, the the National Organization For Marriage co-founder who is now the CHAIRMAN of a United States federal government commission on religious freedom: Drew Mariani Show, 7/11/13 [Relevant Radio] This is the "moral...

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NOM co-founder who denies Gov. Cuomo of his religious faith to head U.S. Commission on Religious Freedom

Robert George is the new chairman of U.S. federal government commission on religious freedom: Press Release: Robert P. George Elected USCIRF Chair [USCIRF] That would be this Robby George: -- Co-founder of and major driving force behind the National Organization...

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IL's 'protect marriage' group says gay couples' 'parts don't fit'; is clearly doing it wrong

The Illinois Family Institute continues its penchant for downright nastiness: [IFI] For starters, it doesn't even make sense. "Acquit" means to free someone from a criminal charge, so essentially they are saying our parts don't fit and therefore we must...

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Video: California pastor says he'll punch, 'go Old Testament' on gay-marrying clergy

Pastor Matt Brown of Riverside, California's Sandals Church won't go to gay weddings. For one, he doesn't approve of the union. But more than even that, he's pretty sure he will punch out or "go Old Testament" on the pro-gay...

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Bryan Fischer: All gays are 'perverse' like Anthony Weiner

The American Family Association senior spokesman continues to work out his bizarre obsessions on a public stage: Oh, no, no, no, no—you all are not going to pin these regularly repeating heterosexual sex scandals on us! David Vitter? Mark Sanford?...

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GLAAD: If you can't beat 'em, call 'em 'cheaters'

If you can't beat 'em, call 'em 'cheaters' [GLAAD]

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Gay and abruptly abandon your family? You had Michael Brown at 'gay'

Eric Myers abandoned his family. He just left one day and stayed gone for sixteen years, leading everyone—his wife, his parents, his two young kids, etc.—to presume he had died. Eric Myers also happens to be gay. While on his...

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Come for 'The Homosexual War,' stay for the gay icon's theme park

Right now, as we speak, Tony Perkins and fellow evangelicals are getting together in Sevierville, TN, for what they call the Answers in Genesis Megaconference. At said conference, they enjoy sessions with "charming" titles like this one: [Schedule] Ooh, a...

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NOM's new mission: Dosing us with Vitamin C, apparently

You guys, it seems we've been wrong about NOM. Their real goal is to "orangize" America: (NOM fundraising page) [SOURCE] I can totally get behind this agenda! Oranges are packed with Vitamin C, which comes with a lot of health...

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'Family values' group goes after 6-year-old

The Concerned Women For America are all about protecting children. That is, until they come across a child who is transgender, in which case they will splash that child onto their front page, misgender the kid, and then attack her...

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It's adorable when anti-LGBT commentators think they've caught us in something

David Smith, the exceedingly anti-LGBT head of the viciously anti-LGBT Illinois Family Institute, is trying to trip up his state's marriage bill by acting as if people on our side's support for basic nondiscrimination protections is some sort of "proof"...

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OH judge acts in defense of marriage

An Ohio judge just gave us a first taste of what our post-DOMA world might look like. Chris Geidner has the report and full decision: A federal judge in Ohio ordered state officials Monday to recognize the marriage of two...

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Video: RNC chair doesn't care for 'tolerance'; still digs civil discrimination

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus isn't deterred by polls telling the the party that it's going to have to drop the wedges and divisive goals if it wants to have a political future Here he is telling Christian Bible...

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Video: The Lord told Cindy Jacobs that 'a whole lotta shaking' coming to gay-loving Earth

Right Wing Watch catches another doozy: No, Cindy—he just meant that he loves this song: God just wanted you to send him an iTunes download, not tell the world that our gay-marriage-loving souls are soon to perish. Sheesh!

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In loss, Frank Schubert and Ryan Anderson take to calling us 'cheaters'

The new meme for those on the wrong side of history? Those of us who prevailed in the Prop 8 process are "cheaters" who were only able to prosper because of legal chicanery: SOURCES: Schubert's piece Anderson's tweet Oh, and...

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