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NOM says 'ex-gay' group just trying to let gays 'live according to the Bible's laws'

by Jeremy Hooper

The National Organization For Marriage (& 'Ex-Gay' Advocacy):

On Friday my friend and hero Chuck LiMandri (who was one of the first to help us get Prop 8 on the ballot!) will be in court in New Jersey, taking on the goliath Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and its new militant attempt to misuse consumer fraud laws to attack a small Jewish nonprofit named JONAH that helps observant Jews with same-sex attraction live according to the Bible's laws.

This is one of the hugest stories you've never been told by the media: the SPLC wants to use its $250 million budget and 7 full-time staff lawyers to bankrupt therapists, counselors, and religious nonprofits that offer help to people with unwanted same-sex attraction. And they are misusing "consumer fraud" statutes to do it.

I suspect SPLC picked a Jewish service organization first because they were hoping many of us in the Christian community would ignore it. But whatever you think about sexual orientation, it's wrong to tell people they can't ask for help to live their sexual lives as they choose, not as the SPLC's lawyers want them to do.

Wow. Just wow.

And you really don't get it, NOM. We very much want the media to tell this "hugest" story!! We want people to know more about these scientifically discredited "ex-gay" groups because they show just how far the "values" agenda extends, if you pull the string long enough. Thanks for helping us demonstrate that point, NOM!!!!


**Please keep NOM's young spokesman, Thomas Peters, in your thoughts. If you haven't heard, he was in a terrible accident.

Politically, I give Thom a hard time. Personally, I wish him a swift and full recovery.

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