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NOM: Undaunted, resolute—and empirically wrong
A full eleven days after same-sex couples began marrying again in California, the National Organization For Marriage is still running this graphic as its cover photo:
Well, NOM staffers may be undaunted, resolute, or any other staunch-sounding word. They're also just plain wrong.
Marriage in California isn't "placed in jeopardy by the Supreme Court"—the Supreme Court cleared the way for marriage equality to return to the Golden State. The anti-equality side made a remarkably bad case in three courts, the courts recognized the anti-equality side's inadequate case, the Supreme Court determined that the NOM crowd didn't have the right to appeal simply because the don't like the lower court ruling, and the joy that the NOM crowd robbed of loving same-sex couples has returned to the west coast. Yippee!
So yeah: Paint it red, NOM! Call it "redefined" and vow to fight back, if that's the fundraising pitch you're going with this week. But let's not pretend that California is in some sort of light blue limbo. Loving couples are marrying in the state right now, at this very moment, as we speak. I think that's awesome; you all think that's heinous. But neither of us can change what "is" is.