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Video: Here's how they're talking about us at Houston's First Baptist Church
In an earlier segment, he directly connects homosexuality to pedophilia. But this cued up segment, in which pastor Greg Motte uses Paul Cameron–style junk science (from his own book) to say that marriage will not bring peace to gays because ours is "a young movement that is bringing great death," should give you a taste of what the congregants of this Texas mega-church are learning to accept as the gospel:
Notice Pastor Motte also tells them that the way they stop us is to go out and vote. He says he's not telling them how to vote, but that's just duplicitous spin. He spent this entire sermon railing against LGBT people. I'm thinking they, the citizens of a city with a lesbian mayor, got a pretty clear message about which candidates he thinks are worth supporting.
And this is the kind of thing that is still happening in conservative churches across the nation. People are being taught blatant untruths that are designed to hurt us. Sure, these character-defaming attacks are masked behind fake-nice language and falsely compassionate spin. But at the end of the service, no one in these pews is walking away with a more peaceful heart toward LGBT people or a more fair-minded consciousness about what actually would make the world safer. Pastor Motte's self-determination that he is not thumping or hating on anyone does not change reality.