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Video: Mat Staver says SCOTUS marriage rulings should be treated like Dred Scott, internment, outlawing of gravity
Dred Scott v. Sanford denied citizenship to African Americans.
Korematsu v. United States forced Japanese Americans into internment.
Buck v. Bell supported sterilization of those deemed genetically inferior.
Anyone v. Gravity is a theoretical case that pits humans against logic and science.
All of this is totally, absolutely, in every way like granting same-sex couples their civil marriage rights. Or so says Mat Staver:
Speaking of historical connections, Matt: this legal analysis is historically and intellectually similar to the "Oh hell no, that sh*t's not right!" that my high school friend offered in response to a 1996 episode of Judge Judy. Except this attempt to connect gay people's freedom with past oppressions is even less astute.