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Audio: FRC's Sprigg (again) claims homosexuality is 'harmful to the people who engage in it and to society at large'

by Jeremy Hooper

A caller calls in and claims there is no difference between being gay or lesbian and being a thief or a dope pusher. The Family Research Council's senior policy fellow and lead researcher, Peter Sprigg, is more to eager to embolden that claim (and even help her make a weird connection to Fort Hood) before stating his organization's belief that being gay is harmful to society. Enjoy:

Washington Watch [YT]

It's outrageous. There is literally no worse charge that a pundit could lay at a minority population's feet. Not only is Sprigg saying that the world's vast gay, lesbian, and bisexual population is engaging in self-harm, which would be offensive, deceitful, and dangerous enough. But no, he's taking it further and saying that people like me and marriages like mine are causing HARM to the world around us. Here in a world with so many actual harms, this person, who makes his living creating this sort of climate, is coming right out and telling our fellow citizens that we LGBT people and our supporters are doing actual damage to this sit of ours.

And yet the mainstream media still offers him commentary slots, the GOP's brightest stars still sign up to court Peter and his colleagues, and the culture still accepts this kind of thing as run of the mill political discourse. It really makes you wonder what these folks have to say before a decent society stands up and says, "ENOUGH!"

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