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Black Conservative Summit boasts multiple speakers who blame Satan for gays, LGBT rights
- Linda Jernigan is an "ex-gay" activist who frequently claims Satan is behind both gays and the LGBT rights movement.
- William Owens, the National Organization For Marriage's religious liaison, claims homosexuality is not natural, says President Obama is a Judas for supporting marriage equality, and has a penchant for linking homosexuality to pedophilia.
- Harry Jackson says LGBT-headed families are "discombobulated, Frankenstein structures" that are "out of order" with God, claims the modern push for marriage equality is "just like during the times of Hitler," and believes gay people's push for equality is “a satanic plot to destroy our seed." To name just three of his countless slights. Many more here.
These are just three of the speakers who will be addressing the first annual Black Conservative Summit, where folks will soon gather to strategize against things like marriage equality:
Sponsors of the summit include the anti-gay Illinois Family Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the NOM-affiliated CAAP, and others who regularly fight against our civil rights. So basically, we can expect yet another attempt to blame LGBT people for a whole host of problems that we did not cause and do not foster as certain groups continue to work the wedge strategy that we know they use on the anti-equality side.
A shame. Unity is so achievable and could be so nice.